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Imparting Knowledge and Awareness of SGBV to the Community

  1. Four radio talk shows on SGBV in local one per month reaching 50,000 people
  2. Three public barazas highlighting the SGBV in each sub-county targeting 100 people
  3. Support 1 Local Area Advisory Committee (LAAC) in each of the sub-counties per year and County Level Advisory Committee.
  4. Support forums for Duty bearers (police, chiefs, teachers, Children officers, hospital link persons etc.) in each of the sub-Counties.
  5. Re-tooling and re-training CBO Staff (5) to handle emerging challenges, including corruption, nepotism and socio-cultural norms, which go against efforts to eradicate poverty
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Imparting Knowledge and Awareness of SGBV to the Community

1.      Improve house-hold incomes (one group of 25 per Sub-county per year) through provision of various IGA interventions including SACCOs, Table-banking,
  1. Organize survivors into groups in order to access Inua Jamii, Hustler Fund, Youth Fund and related financial inclusion initiatives.
  2. Tree-planting by groups in numbers, both as an IGA and as mitigation against climate change
  3. Farming: Start–ups for groups in No.1 Rearing of goats for milk, cows, pigs and chicken.
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Rescue and Protection of victims of SGBV.

  1. Collaborate with authorities and law-enforcement to reach out and   rescue victims/ survivors and potential victims.
  2. Provide a secure safe-house where victims/ survivors can be fed, nursed, counseled, protected and rehabilitated.
  3. Through partnerships, provide post-SGBV counseling to victims/   survivors.
  4. Training of care-givers in community through GBV champions
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Post – SGBV Social, Medical and Legal Interventions

    1. Collaboration with court users associations (Bungoma, Webuye and Kimilili) including law enforcement agencies and the office of the ODPP for arrest and prosecution of offenders
    2. Provide post-SGBV counseling and medical support.
    3. Identify and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to offer reproductive health services to victims / survivors, to provide post-exposure HIV interventions.

    Provide, through IEC materials, partnerships, formal education and technical training to boys and girls who are victims / survivors of SGBV for self-reliance.

Mt. Nebo Community Based Organization

Promoters of the CBO are driven by a passion to alleviate and make a difference in the lives of young and vulnerable groups in the community.
Connect With Us

MT. NEBO PROTECTION AND RESCUE HAVEN CBO. P.O. Box 2129 Bungoma 50200, Kenya; Along Trans-African Highway at Kanduyi, Bungoma County. Phone +254 721538147, Email: | Registered CBO No. 4405/2021/50172

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