On-going activities under the home-based programme

Over the past 5 years, our facility has continued to cater to the needs of vulnerable groups in society, more especially school-girls and women.

Under our care and support we currently have:

  • 7 cases of spousal GBV/ Domestic violence
  • 2 cases of defilement
  • 1 case of defilement of a physically challenged minor
  • 3 cases of rape.
  • 1 case of under-age pregnancy by a perpetrator known to the victim’s family
  • 1 case of denial of education opportunity

We have continued to offer psycho-social support, advice and follow-up of the cases through the administrative and legal channels.

Owing to funding challenges, however, our support to the survivors has been limited.

Mt. Nebo Community Based Organization

Promoters of the CBO are driven by a passion to alleviate and make a difference in the lives of young and vulnerable groups in the community.
Connect With Us

MT. NEBO PROTECTION AND RESCUE HAVEN CBO. P.O. Box 2129 Bungoma 50200, Kenya; Along Trans-African Highway at Kanduyi, Bungoma County. Phone +254 721538147, Email: | Registered CBO No. 4405/2021/50172

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